Fixed-Layout (Facing Pages) ePub Sample
© 2011 Darel Rex Finley. This complete article, unmodified, may be freely distributed for educational purposes.

OK, I made my own example book! Enjoy.

To view the book in your iOS device, download this file to your Mac by control-clicking the link and choosing “Download Linked File.” (Remove the .html from the end of the filename that for no apparent reason gets placed there.) Then e-mail the file to yourself, and in the iOS e-mail app, you will be given the option to open it in iBooks:

    My Fixed-Layout (Facing Pages) Book.epub

To download the file-set to your Mac for purposes of editing it so it becomes your own book, just click this link:

    My Fixed-Layout (Facing Pages)

After you have changed this into your own book, you will need to re-zip it, but you can’t do that with any ordinary zipping app — you must get the app “ePub Zip” to do it right.

You should also get the app “ePubChecker” which will tell you if anything is wrong with the formatting of your epub file.

There are a couple important notes in my sample book itself (on pages 1 and 4) — be sure to read them.

Good luck!

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