#define Pr .299
#define Pg .587
#define Pb .114
// public-domain function by Darel Rex Finley
// The passed-in RGB values can be on any desired scale, such as 0 to
// to 1, or 0 to 255. (But use the same scale for all three!)
// The "change" parameter works like this:
// 0.0 creates a black-and-white image.
// 0.5 reduces the color saturation by half.
// 1.0 causes no change.
// 2.0 doubles the color saturation.
// Note: A "change" value greater than 1.0 may project your RGB values
// beyond their normal range, in which case you probably should truncate
// them to the desired range before trying to use them in an image.
void changeSaturation(double *R, double *G, double *B, double change) {
double P=sqrt(
(*B)*(*B)*Pb ) ;
*B=P+((*B)-P)*change; }