A Tale of Two Movies
(images © Warner Bros. and 20th Century Fox)
modified logo: gloomy and green
modified logo: bright and blue-grey
everything is gloomy and green
everything is bright and blue-grey
Tom Anderson searches for answers in his lonely, hi-tech apartment
John Anderton searches for answers in his lonely, hi-tech apartment
Tom’s discouragement enhanced by rain
John’s discouragement enhanced by rain
data stored on little cartridges
data stored on little cartridges
bald people perpetually dreaming in liquid tank
bald people perpetually dreaming in liquid tank
staring at own hand after waking up
staring at own hand after waking up
escaping the tank by flushing down the drain
escaping the tank by flushing down the drain
large number of people who don’t know they’re imprisoned in pods
large number of people who don’t know they’re imprisoned in pods
you can’t have too many displays at one workstation
you can’t have too many displays at one workstation
in final scene, close-up of bullets intended for Tom
in final scene, close-up of bullets intended for John
leaping from one skyscraper to another
leaping from one skyscraper to another
yoga in new-age class
yoga in new-age class
enraged shock troops
enraged shock troops
fleeing up fire-escape
fleeing up fire-escape
fighting in mid-air
fighting in mid-air
Tom surprised by cool, black, retro car
John surprised by cool, black, retro car
gunfire produces wave-like ripples
gunfire produces wave-like ripples
running from government agents in suits and ties
running from government agents in suits and ties
ultra-wise guru is an elderly lady baking; speaks in riddles and tells Tom what he’s going to do
ultra-wise guru is an elderly lady gardening; speaks in riddles and tells John what he’s going to do
loopy, bendy spoon at the guru’s house
loopy, bendy spoon at the guru’s house
eat this; you’ll feel better
drink this; you’ll feel better
guru clutches Tom’s head
guru clutches John’s head
close-up of the traitor’s gun killing an innocent
close-up of the traitor’s gun killing an innocent
turning your head to stare at the hot chick is a dangerous mistake
turning your head to stare at the hot chick is a dangerous mistake
spending a lot of the movie in grungy, dilapidated buildings
spending a lot of the movie in grungy, dilapidated buildings
spider-like robots hunting people
spider-like robots hunting people
bizarre facial distortion
bizarre facial distortion
near-intimacy with unaware woman trapped in the dreamworld
near-intimacy with unaware woman trapped in the dreamworld
hanging from hovercraft on cable
hanging from hovercraft on cable
virtual-reality stations, bathed in blue light
virtual-reality stations, bathed in blue light
when fleeing government agents, don’t ignore the grizzled bum on the ground — he’s about to become important
when fleeing government agents, don’t ignore the grizzled bum on the ground — he’s about to become important
special number on door to room where big confrontation occurs; we saw this number earlier in the movie
special number on door to room where big confrontation occurs; we saw this number earlier in the movie
reflection in broken mirror, just before Tom finds out what’s really going on
reflection in broken mirror, just before John finds out what’s really going on
falling out broken highrise window
falling out broken highrise window
what is real? can I control reality?
what is the future? can I control destiny?